Wednesday, November 26, 2014


"I have pondered over my ways and returned to your will" -Ps. 119

Do you ever feel like you are a failure at being a Christian?  You try to change, commit to change, resolve to change, and run out of ways to make the same promises over and over again.  You are not alone.  Consider these words from the psalmist, who was probably writing from a place of brokenness.  "I can't do this on my own anymore, Lord!"  He cries. "It's up to you, now."  This is not an end, it is a beginning.  Now we are ready to grow in Christ.  As long as we are the ones making the decisions to change in ways that we feel we should (I need to do more of this or I should be doing that...), we are not allowing God to overwhelm and overshadow us with his presence.  But when we are broken, we let go of our illusions of control, and that is when the Holy Spirit truly begins to work in our lives.

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