Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Resolve

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more…and he who was seated on the throne said, Behold, I am making all things new.” –Rev. 21:1-6
Do you ever want to just start over?  Do you ever want to put everything behind you and wipe the slate clean and begin anew?  For many of us, that is what the New Year’s celebration is all about.  Putting the old to rest and starting over.  It’s a chance to let the past stay in the past.  It’s a new year, anything can happen.  I can change, and not be bound by the mistakes of last year.
In the Christian Church, there is a tradition of holding watchnight services at certain times throughout the liturgical year, like the Advent/Christmas season, and during Holy Week.  Many churches do the same on New Year’s Eve.  It is a vigil of prayer and resolution to begin the New Year with a new dedication and commitment to growing in one’s faith. 
(I know that it would mean skipping out on those wonderful New Year’s Eve parties, but there is usually plenty of pork and sauerkraut leftover anyway!) 
The focus is on renewing the covenant with the Lord who calls us to live in the world but to not be of the world.  We can acknowledge and contemplate the past, but we can also put it away from us.  The past can educate us and shape who we will become in the New Year, but the sins of the past cannot be undone, they can only be forgiven, and the Lord forgives us who are penitent, so let us forgive others who have wronged us as well.
And so the assurance of the watchnight service, of the New Year, is the hope that is renewed for who we can grow to become as children of the Lord, followers of Jesus Christ in 2014.  It is that Christ “is with us always, even to the end of the age (Mt. 28:20).”

At any time, in any place, for whatever reason, we can begin anew, we can start over.  Because of a God who makes all things new.

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