I'm getting back into my workout routine, after a three-week(!) break over the holidays, and I'm so sore.
The first line that catches my eye when I open the newest edition of my (current favorite) theological journal is "is the Reformation over?" The entire journal was centered on a sort of revival of Roman Catholic theology in the millenial generation.
My denomination is shattering itself over controversies that some view political, while others deem missional, and, still others, theological in nature, causing me to question my own theological convictions and, consequently, take a trip back through seminary-level educational material to help me rediscover my identity as a disciple of Jesus Christ. What do I really believe, and why?
One of my martial arts instructors linked all this together very well for me, while we were going through some stretching exercises. "Push yourself to the point of feeling discomfort. Hold there until you begin to relax, then push a little further. Repeat the process. If you only hold yourself in a comfortable position, you will not develop strength or flexibility." I think he actually surprised himself with that, because he commented on how this applies to just about everything in life.
Don't get too comfortable, only by stretching ourselves can we grow.
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